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Workers plugin for WILL SDK for ink

This plugin provides async ink processing. The following workers can extend the ink experience:

  • ink-path-provider - Worker manager that's represented from the class 'ConvexHullProducer'. It is responsible for the processing of splines and producing rendering paths.
  • convex-hull-provider - Worker manager that's represented from the class 'ConvexHullProducer'. It is responsible for the processing of convex hulls and producing convex hull paths.
  • split-points-provider - Worker manager that's represented from the class 'SplitPointsProducer'. It is responsible for the processing of split points generated from Intersector, which results in spline segments.


WILL SDK for ink expects the plugin to be installed first. PluginsManager static property DEPENDENCIES_SRC defaults to '/node_modules'.

import {PluginsManager} from "digital-ink"// import in webpack envimport factory from "@digital-ink/workers"// init application callbackasync init() {  ...  // mjs  const workers = await PluginsManager.installWorkers()  // webpack  const workers =  PluginsManager.connectWorkers(factory)  ...}

workers namespace (install result)

  • provides const string version
  • provides namespace workers when loaded - allows multi-threading

Webpack configuration

The workers' nature doesn't allow bundling. Every worker is a self-sufficient program; the webpack would treat @digital-ink/workers as an external dependency.

To provide visibility to workers, they should be accessible from the webpack env. The webpack configuration should be extended. This configuration targets the copy-webpack-plugin plugin.

/* package.json */"devDependencies": {    ...    "copy-webpack-plugin": "^11.x"}

Let's update webpack configuration.

/* config-overrides.js */const webpack = require("webpack");const CopyPlugin = require("copy-webpack-plugin");module.exports = function override(config, env) {    if (!config.eternals) {        config.externals = [];    }    if (!config.plugins) {        config.plugins = [];    }    config.externals = [...config.externals, "bindings", "worker_threads"];    config.plugins.push(        new CopyPlugin({            patterns: [                {                  from: "node_modules/@digital-ink/workers/workers",                  to: "static/js/workers"                }            ]        })    );    return config;}


End user license agreement for Wacom Ink SDK
