The SignatureEngine is a stateless component, used to maintain a signature template. It has the following methods:
CreateTemplate Used to create a new template which is returned as a BLOB containing the general configuration options.
Type | Name | Description |
(IN) ConfigurationOptions | GeneralOptions | Sets configuration options to control the way in when signatures are enrolled. These options are set when the template is created and cannot be subsequently changed |
(IN) ImageOptions | CleaningOptions | Used to control the way in which static images are processed. They are optional and can be ignored when only dynamic data is being handled. |
(OUT) String | TemplateData | The template data is returned to the calling application in the form of a BLOB as base-64 encoded text |
Extracts information about the enrollment status of a template.
Type | Name | Description |
(IN) Template | TemplateData | A BLOB previously created by the SignatureEngine and supplied by the calling application |
(OUT) TemplateStatus | Status | Summary of the current template status |
Takes a single signature in either FSS format or an image and verifies it against the supplied template. The process depends on the state of the template.
For dynamic signatures (FSS format):
If the template has no FSS data, then the signature is added to the dynamic reference set. If there are one or more static signatures, then the new signature is verified against that using the SSV engine and the score returned; otherwise, no verification result is possible. If the template has data but isn't fully enrolled, then the signature is verified using the DSV engine. The signature is added to the dynamic enrollment set.
For signature images:
If the template has no static data, then the signature is added to the static reference set. If there are one or more dynamic signatures, then the new signature is verified against that using the DSV engine and the score returned; otherwise, no verification result is possible. If the template has data but isn't fully enrolled, then the signature is verified using the SSV engine. The signature is added to the static enrollment set.
In either case, if the template is fully enrolled, then the signature is verified against the reference set of signatures and the verification result is returned. If sufficient time has passed since the template was last updated, then the reference set can be updated.
Type | Name | Description |
(IN) String | TemplateData | The application must supply the template which was previously created by the SignatureEngine. After the signature has been processed the template is updated and returned, in the VerificationResult, to the calling application which must save it for future use. |
(IN) DynamicSignature | Signature | Either: - FSS data captured using any of the Signature SDKs - The name of an image file containing the scanned image of an ink-on-paper signature |
(OUT) VerificationResult | Result | Returns the verification score, verification type and failure type, the complexity of the signature being verified and a summary of the template status. |