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Getting Started

Download the SDK

Download the SDK from

  • Login using your Wacom ID
  • Select Downloads for Wacom Device Kit
  • Download STU SDK for Linux
  • Accept the End User License Agreement to use the SDK

The downloaded Zip file contains the SDK with documentation.

SDK license

The SDK is free of charge and does not need a license.

Using the Linux SDK

• Ensure you have the dependencies installed. This should include: libusb-1.0 and libusb-1.0-devel.

• Allow user-access to your STU tablet. This usually requires adding a udev rule, for example:

SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="056a", ATTRS{idProduct}=="00a[0-9|a-f]", MODE="0666", GROUP="users"

• NOTE: Remember to install the, for example (note paths maybe different):

sudo cp /usr/local/lib
sudo /sbin/ldconfig /usr/local/lib

NOTE: You may need to adjust your LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable as well.

Installing the Linux STU-STK on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS

This is a guide to setting up the Linux STU-SDK on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS. The steps below were performed on a fresh 64-bit installation of 22.04, and were tested with SDK version v2.10.1 using an STU–530.

Setting up the SDK:

Install JDK:

To run the DemoButtons sample, you will first need to install the Java Development Kit (JDK). Run the following command in a terminal, entering your password when prompted:

sudo apt-get -y install default-jdk

Install libusb development library

Communication to the STU devices in Linux is performed via the libusb framework. To install the libusb framework, enter the following command in a terminal, entering your password when prompted:

sudo apt-get -y install libusb-1.0.0-dev

Install OpenSSL development library

Encryption routines in Linux are implemented using OpenSSL. To install the OpenSSL development libraries, enter the following command in a terminal, entering your password when prompted:

sudo apt-get -y install libssl-dev

Setup udev rules

In order to allow connection to the STU device from user space, the udev rules must be configured correctly.

Enter the following command in a terminal to configure the rules, entering your password when prompted:

sudo su -
cat <<EOF >> /etc/udev/rules.d/60-stu.rules
udevadm control --reload-rules

You will now need to unplug and re-connect your STU device for the updated rules to take effect.

Extract the SDK

Finally, you will need to decompress the SDK with the following command in a terminal (this assumes SDK is on a desktop):

$ cd Desktop/
$ tar -xvjf Wacom-STU-SDK-2.16.1.tar.bz2

You are now ready to build and run the demo code.

Building and running DemoButtons in Java

To build the DemoButtons sample, firstly you need to navigate to the DemoButtons directory.

For example, the STU SDK for Linux samples can be cloned from their repository to Desktop like so:

$ git clone
$ cd stu-sdk-samples/samples/java/DemoButtons

Next, you need to build the java using the javac command.

As part of the compilation process, you need to specify the location of the wgssSTU.jar file via the cp parameter to javac (this assumes you are in the Desktop directory):

javac -cp Linux/any/wgssSTU.jar:. stu-sdk-samples/samples/java/DemoButtons/

Once this is built, you will need to run the sample using the java command line, specifying the class path for the jar file, and setting the java.library.path parameter to the location of the library. Assuming you are running the sample from the DemoButtons directory, you can enter the following command:

java -cp ../../../../Linux/any/wgssSTU.jar:. -Djava.library.path=../../../../Linux/x86_64 DemoButtons

If you have an STU device plugged in, you should see a window with 'GetSignature' displayed. Tapping on this button will start the demo buttons' signature capture on the STU device, with the capture simultaneously displayed on the Linux screen.

Building and running the C++ samples

You can build and run the C++ samples in either 32 or 64-bit mode by setting the MACHTYPE parameter to i686 for 32-bit builds, or to x86_64 for 64-bit builds. For example, to build the 64-bit C++ library and samples:

joss@joss-VirtualBox:~$ cd Desktop/Wacom-STU-SDK/cpp/build
joss@joss-VirtualBox:~/Desktop/Wacom-STU-SDK/cpp/build$ make MACHTYPE=x86_64 -f

Once the build has completed, the library and samples are located under Linux/${MACHTYPE}:

joss@joss-VirtualBox:~/Desktop/Wacom-STU-SDK/cpp/build$ cd Linux/x86_64/
joss@joss-VirtualBox:~/Desktop/Wacom-STU-SDK/cpp/build/Linux/x86_64$ ls
getUsbDevices i query simpleInterface simpleTablet WacomGSS.a

You can then run getUsbDevices (lists connected STUs), simpleInterface (capture basic pen data) or simpleTablet (capture pen data over an encrypted connection).