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1 Introduction

An application developed using the Wacom STU SDK can be installed on a target system with only those components from the SDK required by the development language and environment.

The full set of components:

wgssSTU.dllcontains the executable API code
wgssSTU.pdbdebug database contains debug information
npWgssSTU.dllNetscape plugin
Interop.wgssSTU.dllinterface to wgssSTU.dll for .NET applications
wgssSTU.jarinterface to wgssSTU.dll for Java applications

Note that different versions of the files are provided for 32-bit and 64-bit applications, contained in folders Win32 and x64 respectively.

The full STU SDK installation includes samples and documentation, and the complete set of components for 32-bit applications.

Different languages require different components and these are outline below.

2 Internet Explorer – Javascript

Internet Explorer requires only the ActiveX control:

  • wgssSTU.dll

Installation can be one of the methods described below, including the scripted method. Once the file is installed and registered, the API can be accessed via ActiveX.

3 Netscape Browser - Javascript

obsolete - included for backrground information
The Netscape plugin is required for browsers other than Internet Explorer because they do not support ActiveX. These include versions of Firefox and Chrome. Installation of the plugin requires the creation of a number of registry settings. The complexity of the installation is beyond the scope of this document. The components can be installed using either the CAB method described below.

4 Java Application

A Java application requires the following files:

  • wgssSTU.dll - contains the executable API code
  • wgssSTU.jar - interface to wgssSTU.dll for Java applications

To deploy the application the files can be copied. There is no need to register wgssSTU.dll
Note that separate file versions are supplied for 32-bit and 64-bit applications.

5 .NET Application

To develop a .NET application these two files are required:

  • wgssSTU.dll - contains the executable API code
  • Interop.wgssSTU.dll - interface to wgssSTU.dll for .NET applications

Note that separate file versions are supplied for 32-bit and 64-bit applications.

The way the application is built will affect deployment:

  • Standard ActiveX – access the API using ActiveX via interop+wgssSTU.dll
  • Embedded interop – optionally embed the interop file in the .exe
  • Side-by-Side execution – access the API by direct access to wgssSTU.dll

Standard ActiveX operation will need wgssSTU.dll to be installed and registered using any one of the installation methods.

Visual Studio can embed Interop.wgssSTU.dll in the .exe by setting project properties, for example:
Target framework: .NET Framework 4

Properties for the Reference to Interop.wgssSTU.dll can then be set to:
Embed Interop Type True

If the file is embedded in the .exe it is no longer needed as a separate file for deployment.

Side by Side operation requires access to the wgssSTU.dll and interop files (with no registration required).
This method of operation is achieved in the project manifest file, for example:

<assemblyIdentity type="win32" name="wgssSTU" version=""/>

If side-by-side execution is selected wgssSTU.dll can be copied with the .exe without registration.

6 Installation Methods

6.1 Scripted Installation

For basic ActiveX operation wgssSTU.dll can be copied to a folder and registered in Windows, for example, start a Command Prompt as Administrator:

regsvr32.exe wgssSTU.dll

Once the file is installed and registered, the API can be accessed via ActiveX calls. Note that separate file versions are supplied for 32-bit and 64-bit applications.

6.2 CAB Installation

A CAB installer is included in the folder:
Wacom STU SDK\install\MSIE

The folder contains CAB files which can be installed using an html page in Internet Explorer. Two options are available:

    • installs and registers the ActiveX control wgssSTU.dll
    • install and registers the Netscape plugin npWgssSTU.dll
    • installs and registers the ActiveX control wgssSTU.dl
    • install and registers the Netscape plugin npWgssSTU.dll
    • installs the STU pad driver required by colour tablets

Sample html pages are included to demonstrate the use of the CAB files.
The files are installed in:

CAB file installation is only supported by Internet Explorer.
To cater for other browsers such as Firefox and Chrome the samples include an alternative GenericInstall html sample. The sample demonstrates installation of the setup.exe extracted from the supplied CAB file. The setup file can be extracted by using the CAB file as a WinRAR archive.