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Important Note

This series of Wacom products is now discontinued and support for them is no longer offered.

CDL version 2.1


Version 2.1 is the latest generation of the Common device Library and covers support of a wider range of Wacom devices. It provides a unified application interface to Wacom devices. The features provided by the CDL can be grouped into the following modes:

  • connection
  • real-time ink transfer
  • discrete display
  • desktop display
  • file download


The connection mode is handled by two interfaces called Ink Device Watcher and Ink Device Factory. They provides the following features:

  • Scan for all available Wacom Devices
  • Connect
  • Pairing
  • Device setup (e.g. naming)
  • Authorization

File download

The file download service is used to pull saved data from a device. This is presented in a simplified form; there is no dependency made to WILL Ink/Document formats but it is easily convertible.

Real-time ink transfer

The Real Time Ink service is used to gather streaming point or ink data from a device. This data is delivered in a standard format (e.g. x,y,p,t,tilt,azimuth,rotation) with a number of events such as:

  • Stroke started (pen down)
  • Stroke moved
  • Stroke ended (pen up)
  • Hover point (proximity move)
  • Proximity entered
  • Proximity exited

An implementing application will register against these callbacks to receive the ink data. This should also return the pen ID the point is related to if the information is available for the device.

Discrete display

Discrete Display provides the mechanism for manipulating a screen that is not regarded as a monitor, such as an STU display.

Desktop display

Desktop display provides the details of any tablet that is mapped to onto desktop display monitor. This includes dedicated devices such as the Cintiq range where there is a one-to-one mapping, or Intuos range where the tablet is often mapped across the whole desktop.