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Named Entity Schema

In natural language processing, entity linking, also referred to as named-entity linking (NEL), named-entity disambiguation (NED), is the task of assigning a unique identity to entities (such as famous individuals, locations, or companies) mentioned in text. In entity linking, words of interest (names of persons, locations and companies) are mapped from an input text to corresponding unique entities in a target knowledge base. Words of interest are called named entities (NEs), mentions, or surface forms. The target knowledge base depends on the intended application, but for entity linking systems intended to work on open-domain text it is common to use knowledge bases derived from Wikipedia (such as Wikidata, DBpedia, or an organizational knowledge graph).

Named Entity schema encoding results from information extraction tasks such as Named Entity Recognition and Linking.


Schema URIschema will:uim/1.1
Class Count5
Classeswill:uim/1.1/InkModel, will:uim/1.1/InkNode, will:uim/1.1/Root, will:uim/1.1/StrokeNode, will:uim/1.1/StrokeGroupNode
Schema URIschema will:seg/0.3
Class Count45
Classeswill:seg/0.3/Root, will:seg/0.3/ContentBlock, will:seg/0.3/TextRegion, will:seg/0.3/TextLine, will:seg/0.3/Word, will:seg/0.3/WordOfStrokes, will:seg/0.3/ExtendedTextRegion, will:seg/0.3/Line, will:seg/0.3/UnlabelledBlock, will:seg/0.3/UnlabelledItemGroup, will:seg/0.3/UnlabelledItem, will:seg/0.3/Drawing, will:seg/0.3/DrawingItemGroup, will:seg/0.3/DrawingItem, will:seg/0.3/ExpressionBlock, will:seg/0.3/GenericExpressionBlock, will:seg/0.3/GenericExpressionItemGroup, will:seg/0.3/GenericExpressionItem, will:seg/0.3/MathBlock, will:seg/0.3/MathItemGroup, will:seg/0.3/MathItem, will:seg/0.3/ChemistryBlock, will:seg/0.3/ChemistryItemGroup, will:seg/0.3/ChemistryItem, will:seg/0.3/PhysicsBlock, will:seg/0.3/PhysicsItemGroup, will:seg/0.3/PhysicsItem, will:seg/0.3/ContentBlockOfStrokeNodes, will:seg/0.3/ChemicalStructure, will:seg/0.3/Signature, will:seg/0.3/Garbage, will:seg/0.3/Unlabeled, will:seg/0.3/Doodle, will:seg/0.3/Diagram, will:seg/0.3/DiagramConnector, will:seg/0.3/DiagramPart, will:seg/0.3/Table, will:seg/0.3/Border, will:seg/0.3/List, will:seg/0.3/ListItem, will:seg/0.3/ListItemBullet, will:seg/0.3/Annotation, will:seg/0.3/Marking, will:seg/0.3/Connector, will:seg/0.3/Correction



Defined Inwill:ner/0.1


hasNamedEntityData Type(s)will:ner/0.1/NamedEntity
DescriptionThis is a property extension declaration, resulting in the 'extended property' will:seg/0.3/Root#hasNamedEntity
Association Typecomposition
Cardinality[0, inf] (optional)


Defined Inwill:ner/0.1


isPartOfNamedEntityData Type(s)will:ner/0.1/NamedEntity
DescriptionLinks a Word to NamedEntity(s).
Association Typecomposition
Cardinality[0, inf] (optional)
Inverse OfhasPart


A NamedEntity is a word of interest, such as a location, person, or organization. The named entity can optionally be linked to an entity within a knowledge graph.

Defined Inwill:ner/0.1


hasAbstractTextData Type(s)@i18n_string
DescriptionLocalized abstract text of the entity.
Association Typecomposition
Cardinality[0, 1] (optional)
hasArticleUrlData Type(s)@url
DescriptionURL to a page with an article related to the entity, e.g., Wikipedia.
Association Typecomposition
Cardinality[0, 1] (optional)
hasConfidenceData Type(s)@float
DescriptionConfidence value if the system provides any.
Association Typecomposition
Cardinality[0, 1] (optional)
hasCreationDateData Type(s)@timestamp
DescriptionCreation timestamp of the cached content.
Association Typecomposition
Cardinality[0, 1] (optional)
hasExpirationDateData Type(s)@timestamp
DescriptionExpiration date for content if any defined.
Association Typecomposition
Cardinality[0, 1] (optional)
hasImageUrlData Type(s)@url
DescriptionURL to a image related to the entity.
Association Typecomposition
Cardinality[0, 1] (optional)
hasIriData Type(s)@iri
DescriptionOptional identifier. Internationalized Resource Identifier (IRI), referencing an entity within the system of the KP.
Association Typecomposition
Cardinality[0, 1] (optional)
hasLabelData Type(s)@i18n_string
DescriptionLocalized label of the entity.
Association Typecomposition
Cardinality[0, inf] (optional)
hasLanguageData Type(s)@language
DescriptionLanguage of the entity.
Association Typecomposition
Cardinality[0, inf] (optional)
hasNormConfidenceData Type(s)@float
DescriptionNormalized confidence value if the system provides any.
Association Typecomposition
Cardinality[0, 1] (optional)
hasPartData Type(s)will:seg/0.3/Word
DescriptionReference to the words related to the entity.
Association Typeaggregation
Cardinality[1, inf] (mandatory) (ordered)
hasProvidedCategoryData Type(s)@string
DescriptionCategory of the entity.
Association Typecomposition
Cardinality[0, inf] (optional)
hasProvidedEntityTypeData Type(s)@string
DescriptionType of the entity.
Association Typecomposition
Cardinality[0, inf] (optional)
hasProvidedOntologyTypeData Type(s)@string
DescriptionOntology class of the entity.
Association Typecomposition
Cardinality[0, inf] (optional)
hasProviderData Type(s)@uri
DescriptionIdentifier of the knowledge provider.
Association Typecomposition
Cardinality[0, 1] (optional)
hasSourceData Type(s)@uri
DescriptionIdentifier of the knowledge source.
Association Typecomposition
Cardinality[0, 1] (optional)
hasThumbnailUrlData Type(s)@url
DescriptionURL to a thumbnail image related to the entity.
Association Typecomposition
Cardinality[0, 1] (optional)
hasUniqueIdData Type(s)@string
DescriptionOptional identifier. Unique Id, referencing an entity within the system of the KP.
Association Typecomposition
Cardinality[0, 1] (optional)
hasUriData Type(s)@uri
DescriptionOptional identifier. Uniform Resource Identifier (URI), referencing an entity within the system of the KP (Knowledge Provider).
Association Typecomposition
Cardinality[0, 1] (optional)
hasUrnData Type(s)@urn
DescriptionOptional identifier. Uniform Resource Name (URN), referencing an entity within the system of the KP.
Association Typecomposition
Cardinality[0, 1] (optional)
hasWebsiteUrlData Type(s)@url
DescriptionURL to a web page with content related to the entity.
Association Typecomposition
Cardinality[0, 1] (optional)
isReferenceData Type(s)@bool
Association Typecomposition
Cardinality[0, 1] (optional)

Schema Definition

"head": {
"uri": "will:ner/0.1",
"version": "0.1",
"description": "Named Entity schema encoding results of information extraction tasks such as Named Entity Recognition and Linking.",
"classUriTemplate": "will:ner/0.1/[class]",
"propertyUriTemplate": "will:ner/0.1/[class]#[property]",
"includes": [
"namespace": "u",
"schema": "will:uim/1.1"
"namespace": "seg",
"schema": "will:seg/0.3"
"body": {
"extensions": {},
"classes": {
"will:ner/0.1/seg:Root": {
"subclassOf": null,
"properties": {
"hasNamedEntity": {
"dataType": "will:ner/0.1/NamedEntity",
"minCardinality": 0,
"maxCardinality": -1,
"isFinal": false,
"@desc": "This is a property extension declaration, resulting in the 'extended property' will:seg/0.3/Root#hasNamedEntity"
"isFinal": false
"will:ner/0.1/seg:Word": {
"subclassOf": null,
"properties": {
"isPartOfNamedEntity": {
"dataType": "will:ner/0.1/NamedEntity",
"minCardinality": 0,
"maxCardinality": -1,
"isFinal": false,
"inverseOf": "hasPart",
"@desc": "Links a `Word` to `NamedEntity`(s)."
"isFinal": false
"will:ner/0.1/NamedEntity": {
"subclassOf": null,
"properties": {
"hasUri": {
"dataType": "@uri",
"minCardinality": 0,
"maxCardinality": 1,
"isFinal": false,
"@desc": "Optional identifier. Uniform Resource Identifier (URI), referencing an entity within the system of the KP (Knowledge Provider)."
"hasIri": {
"dataType": "@iri",
"minCardinality": 0,
"maxCardinality": 1,
"isFinal": false,
"@desc": "Optional identifier. Internationalized Resource Identifier (IRI), referencing an entity within the system of the KP."
"hasUrn": {
"dataType": "@urn",
"minCardinality": 0,
"maxCardinality": 1,
"isFinal": false,
"@desc": "Optional identifier. Uniform Resource Name (URN), referencing an entity within the system of the KP."
"hasUniqueId": {
"dataType": "@string",
"minCardinality": 0,
"maxCardinality": 1,
"isFinal": false,
"@desc": "Optional identifier. Unique Id, referencing an entity within the system of the KP."
"isReference": {
"dataType": "@bool",
"minCardinality": 0,
"maxCardinality": 1,
"isFinal": false,
"@desc": ""
"hasPart": {
"dataType": "will:seg/0.3/Word",
"minCardinality": 1,
"maxCardinality": -1,
"isFinal": false,
"isOrdered": true,
"@desc": "Reference to the words related to the entity."
"hasCreationDate": {
"dataType": "@timestamp",
"minCardinality": 0,
"maxCardinality": 1,
"isFinal": false,
"@desc": "Creation timestamp of the cached content."
"hasExpirationDate": {
"dataType": "@timestamp",
"minCardinality": 0,
"maxCardinality": 1,
"isFinal": false,
"@desc": "Expiration date for content if any defined."
"hasLabel": {
"dataType": "@i18n_string",
"minCardinality": 0,
"maxCardinality": -1,
"isFinal": false,
"@desc": "Localized label of the entity."
"hasLanguage": {
"dataType": "@language",
"minCardinality": 0,
"maxCardinality": -1,
"isFinal": false,
"@desc": "Language of the entity."
"hasProvider": {
"dataType": "@uri",
"minCardinality": 0,
"maxCardinality": 1,
"isFinal": false,
"@desc": "Identifier of the knowledge provider."
"hasSource": {
"dataType": "@uri",
"minCardinality": 0,
"maxCardinality": 1,
"isFinal": false,
"@desc": "Identifier of the knowledge source."
"hasConfidence": {
"dataType": "@float",
"minCardinality": 0,
"maxCardinality": 1,
"isFinal": false,
"@desc": "Confidence value if the system provides any."
"hasNormConfidence": {
"dataType": "@float",
"minCardinality": 0,
"maxCardinality": 1,
"isFinal": false,
"@desc": "Normalized confidence value if the system provides any."
"hasAbstractText": {
"dataType": "@i18n_string",
"minCardinality": 0,
"maxCardinality": 1,
"isFinal": false,
"@desc": "Localized abstract text of the entity."
"hasArticleUrl": {
"dataType": "@url",
"minCardinality": 0,
"maxCardinality": 1,
"isFinal": false,
"@desc": "URL to a page with an article related to the entity, e.g., Wikipedia."
"hasWebsiteUrl": {
"dataType": "@url",
"minCardinality": 0,
"maxCardinality": 1,
"isFinal": false,
"@desc": "URL to a web page with content related to the entity."
"hasImageUrl": {
"dataType": "@url",
"minCardinality": 0,
"maxCardinality": 1,
"isFinal": false,
"@desc": "URL to a image related to the entity."
"hasThumbnailUrl": {
"dataType": "@url",
"minCardinality": 0,
"maxCardinality": 1,
"isFinal": false,
"@desc": "URL to a thumbnail image related to the entity."
"hasProvidedEntityType": {
"dataType": "@string",
"minCardinality": 0,
"maxCardinality": -1,
"isFinal": false,
"@desc": "Type of the entity."
"hasProvidedCategory": {
"dataType": "@string",
"minCardinality": 0,
"maxCardinality": -1,
"isFinal": false,
"@desc": "Category of the entity."
"hasProvidedOntologyType": {
"dataType": "@string",
"minCardinality": 0,
"maxCardinality": -1,
"isFinal": false,
"@desc": "Ontology class of the entity."
"isAbstract": false,
"isFinal": false,
"@desc": "A `NamedEntity` is a word of interest, such as a location, person, organization. The named entity can be optionally be linked to an entity within a knowledge graph."