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Idle Mode


Idle mode is used by the Client tray app to display information independently of the Server. The information can be one or more static images, or one or more videos, each displayed in a sequential slideshow..

The files used for Idle mode display are included in the Client installation folders:

Wacom Ink SDK for Multi-Display\Resources\media\
custom \\ folder contains custom image folders
default \\ folder contains default image files
custom \\ folder contains custom video folders
default \\ folder contains default video files

The image .png files which will be used in a slideshow are included in the images folders, similarly video .mp4 files are included in the video folders.

The Client Config\app_config.json determines the idle mode used when the Client starts, for example:

"IdleConfig": {
"MediaType": "videos", // 'videos' or 'images' selects the media for display
"DefaultOrCustomGroup": "default", // 'default' selects the default folder as the file source
"SlideShowInterval": 1, // seconds between display update
"RemoteMediaDir": "" // selects an alternative source for the media files
"BackgroundColor": "" // sets a colour to the idle mode's background

The images and videos used in the slideshow can be customised by adding files to custom folders.

For example to add an images slideshow called 'demo' the files will be added to the custom subfolder 'demo':

demo \\ folder contains image files
default \\ folder contains default image files

Similarly an alternative set of videos can be added in a named custom subfolder.

The Client can then be configured to use the named custom set, for example:

"IdleConfig": {
"MediaType": "images", // display images
"DefaultOrCustomGroup": "demo", // use the custom images named 'demo'
"SlideShowInterval": 1,
"RemoteMediaDir": ""
"BackgroundColor": ""

If required the media folders can be located on a shared network drive so that all installations use a common set, for example:

"IdleConfig": {
"MediaType": "images", // display images
"DefaultOrCustomGroup": "demo", // use the custom images named 'demo'
"SlideShowInterval": 1,
"RemoteMediaDir": "network_drive:\\media\\" // shared drive
"BackgroundColor": ""

A custom configuration can also be achieved programmatically using the messages shown below.

Server-Client messages:


Send the message to start Idle mode:

Message DataDescription
WithImagesOrVideos"Images" or "videos" selects the media type
WithDefaultOrCustomGroupname of the media subfolder in images or video as described above. "default" or "custom-name"
WithSlideShowIntervalnumber of seconds before image or video update
WithBackGroundColorsets a background color within for Open Idle


Send the message to add files to the media collection. The named media folder is created or replaced with the supplied list of files.

Note that IdleConfig.RemoteMediaDir must be set in the Client Config\app_config.json file, and point to a writeable folder.

Message DataDescription
WithMediaType"Images" or "videos" selects the media type
WithGroupNamename of the media subfolder in images or video as described above. "default" or "custom-name"
WithFileNameslist of filenames to copy


Client-Server messages:

