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On premise licensing

The SDK's license works on a transactional basis. It communicates with a license management system that stores the count of remaining transactions. In previous releases, the license management system was online. Transactions were sent via the Internet to the system, and the count was subsequently adjusted.

The on premise feature enables hosting of the Signature SDK for JavaScript's license server on local infrastructure. This enables the storing of transaction allowances in a closed environment without any internet access, or in scenarios where internet access is otherwise not available. After a transaction is concluded, a report can be generated and sent to Wacom, adjusting the transaction count as per the number of transactions used within their local environment.

For more information, contact a sales representative at this link:

The data flow process does not change between the two licensing types. For more information on the data flow, click here.

Example sample JWT report

Below can be seen an example report for contents that are contained within the on premise LMS.

The key aspect to note within the report is the lack of PII (Personally Identifiable Information) within the token's body.

"header": {
"alg": "RS256",
"typ": "JWT"
"payload": {
"LicenseData": "[
\"Owner\": \"622b1ce2e6714ae52df708c42991a047\",
\"Key\": \"4570a982-7e04-43fd-a803-3b2f38956368\",
\"Secret\": \"1234567890\",
\"Password\": \"<XXX>=\",
\"Entitlements\": [
\"EntitlementUid\": \"04e3c734-218c-4f0a-a846-fb539890afb9\",
\"Actions\": [
\"ActionName\": \"<ACTION_NAME>\"
\"CurrentConsumption\": 64,
\"MaxConsumption\": 100,
\"ValidFromUtc\": \"2021-04-05T14:10:01Z\",
\"ValidToUtc\": \"2024-04-08T06:35:20Z\",
\"Overage\": \"None\",
\"OverageCount\": 0,
\"OverageTime\": \"2024-04-10T06:42:06Z\",
\"OfflineCount\": 0,
\"OfflineTime\": \"0:00:00:00.0000000\",
\"State\": \"Active\"
"nbf": 1716213640,
"exp": 1718805640,
"iss": "LmsOffline",
"aud": "lms"