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Media objects are non-Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) files or applications that can be displayed or executed as part of an HTML document. Examples include graphic, audio and video files, and Java applets.

Data Properties

From wacom:core#MediaObject
wacom:core#contentOrientationThe "contentOrientation" data property represents the orientation of a piece of content, such as an image, document, or media file. It describes whether the content is oriented in a portrait, landscape, or square format.xsd:string
wacom:core#contentVersionThe "contentVersion" data property represents the version of a piece of content. It signifies a specific iteration or release of the content, allowing for tracking and identification of different versions.xsd:int
wacom:core#mediaLocaleThe language of the media object.xsd:string
wacom:core#mimeTypeA media type (also known as a Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions or MIME type) indicates the nature and format of a document, file, or assortment of bytes. MIME types are defined and standardized in IETF's RFC 6838xsd:string
From wacom:creative#CreativeWork
wacom:core#contentContent of creative work.xsd:string
wacom:core#contentPriceTagThe ontology data property contentPriceTag provides a valuable attribute for capturing and representing the price tag associated with a MediaObject. By including this property in an ontology, we enable the seamless integration of pricing information within structured data models.xsd:string
wacom:core#contentPriceValueThe ontology data property contentPriceValue plays a crucial role in capturing and expressing the numerical value associated with the price of a MediaObject. This property is a valuable addition to ontologies aiming to represent and reason about pricing information within structured data models.xsd:float
wacom:core#contentURIURI of content.xsd:anyURI
wacom:core#creationDateDate of creation.xsd:date
wacom:core#keywordThe "keyword" data property provides a valuable means of categorizing and organizing documents based on their content. By assigning relevant keywords to documents, it becomes easier to search, filter, and retrieve specific information, improving overall document management and retrieval systems. This data property enhances the semantic understanding of documents and enables more efficient information retrieval processes.xsd:string
wacom:education#contentTypeType of content.xsd:string
wacom:entertainment#originalTitleOriginal title of creative work.xsd:string
From wacom:core#Thing
wacom:business#hashtagDescribes the reference keyword associated with this item for online communities (do not include the "#" symbol which is often used as a prefixed indicator).xsd:string
wacom:core#descriptionGeneric description of the entity.xsd:string
wacom:core#formerNameA former name is a name by which the individual was formerly known.xsd:string
wacom:core#lastUpdateTechnical property to mark the last update of the entitty.xsd:dateTimeStamp
wacom:core#longFormNameLong form of name or title.xsd:string
wacom:core#nameA name is a word or set of words by which a person or thing is known, addressed, or referred to.xsd:string
wacom:core#referenceSystemThe reference system describes the system where the data originally comes from.xsd:string
wacom:core#shortFormNameShort form of name or title.xsd:string
wacom:core#sourceReferenceIdA unique identifier for an entity from a given source.xsd:string
wacom:core#sourceSystemA system from a given source.xsd:string
wacom:core#tagGeneric tag for all types of entities.xsd:string
wacom:core#websiteA website is a set of related web pages located under a single domain name, typically produced by a single person or organization.xsd:anyURI
wacom:core#wikiArticleA wiki article is an article on the online encyclopedia Wikipedia.xsd:anyURI

Object Properties

From wacom:core#MediaObject
wacom:core#depictsDescribes objects that are depicted in a document.wacom:core#Thing
wacom:core#hasAuthorLinks to a written text to its author.wacom:core#Agent
wacom:education#hasDomainDoes a given entity have a domain?wacom:core#Domain
wacom:education#hasGenreDoes a given entity have a genre?wacom:education#Genre
wacom:education#mentionsMedia objects mentions a certain thing.wacom:core#Thing
From wacom:creative#CreativeWork
wacom:core#hasAudienceA value specifying if the creative work has an audience.wacom:core#Audience
wacom:core#hasKeywordThe "hasKeyword" object property represents the relationship between a document and a keyword that is mentioned within it. It signifies that the document contains a reference to the specified keyword.wacom:core#Thing
wacom:core#hasLanguageDoes the entity have a default language or languages?wacom:core#Language
wacom:core#hasSimilarContenthas similar content - The purpose of this property would be to establish a semantic relationship between two or more CreativeWork instances that are related in some way, such as having similar content, themes, or subject matter.wacom:creative#CreativeWork
wacom:core#isCreatedByA value specifying who or what the given entity was created by.wacom:core#Person
wacom:core#isOwnedByThe inverse property "isOwnedBy" is a valuable addition to an ontology, as it establishes a direct connection between a MediaObject and the Agent that owns or possesses it. This property complements the "owns" object property, allowing for bidirectional navigation and providing a comprehensive representation of ownership relationships.wacom:core#Agent
wacom:core#isSimilarContentOfis similar content of - The purpose of this property would be to establish a semantic relationship between two or more CreativeWork instances that are related in some way, such as having similar content, themes, or subject matter.wacom:creative#CreativeWork
wacom:entertainment#hasProductionCompanyHas the creative work been produced by a production company?wacom:business#Company
From wacom:core#Thing
wacom:business#isInventedByWho is the person the thing is invented by?wacom:core#Person
wacom:core#hasCategoryDoes a given object (e.g an artwork) have a category?wacom:core#Category
wacom:core#hasLocationDoes the entity have a set location?wacom:core#Location
wacom:core#hasPartDoes the object have a part?wacom:core#Thing
wacom:core#hasTopicValue specifying if the object has a topic.wacom:core#Topic
wacom:core#hasWebsiteValue specifying if the object has a website.wacom:core#Website
wacom:core#isContainedInWhat collection is the thing contained within?wacom:core#Collection
wacom:core#isDepictedInDescribes an object that is depicted in something.wacom:creative#VisualArtworkwacom:core#MediaObject
wacom:core#isKeywordOfThe "isKeywordOf" object property represents the inverse relationship of "hasKeyword." It signifies that a specific keyword is mentioned in a particular document.wacom:creative#CreativeWork
wacom:core#isMentionedInDescribes if a thing is mentioned within a document.wacom:core#MediaObject
wacom:core#isPartOfIs the object a part of something?wacom:core#Thing
wacom:core#isRelatedValue specifying if two given entities are related.wacom:core#Thing
wacom:core#linksAre two given entities linked?wacom:core#Thing
wacom:core#locatedInDescribes the location of an object.wacom:core#Location
wacom:core#usesTopic used by the thing.wacom:core#Topic
wacom:education#recommendedContentContent that is recommended for a certain thing.wacom:creative#CreativeWork