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The thing is the concept that sits in the top of all other concepts and it has to be present on the top by definition.

Data Properties

From wacom:core#Thing
wacom:business#hashtagDescribes the reference keyword associated with this item for online communities (do not include the "#" symbol which is often used as a prefixed indicator).xsd:string
wacom:core#descriptionGeneric description of the entity.xsd:string
wacom:core#formerNameA former name is a name by which the individual was formerly known.xsd:string
wacom:core#lastUpdateTechnical property to mark the last update of the entitty.xsd:dateTimeStamp
wacom:core#longFormNameLong form of name or title.xsd:string
wacom:core#nameA name is a word or set of words by which a person or thing is known, addressed, or referred to.xsd:string
wacom:core#referenceSystemThe reference system describes the system where the data originally comes from.xsd:string
wacom:core#shortFormNameShort form of name or title.xsd:string
wacom:core#sourceReferenceIdA unique identifier for an entity from a given source.xsd:string
wacom:core#sourceSystemA system from a given source.xsd:string
wacom:core#tagGeneric tag for all types of entities.xsd:string
wacom:core#websiteA website is a set of related web pages located under a single domain name, typically produced by a single person or organization.xsd:anyURI
wacom:core#wikiArticleA wiki article is an article on the online encyclopedia Wikipedia.xsd:anyURI

Object Properties

From wacom:core#Thing
wacom:business#isInventedByWho is the person the thing is invented by?wacom:core#Person
wacom:core#hasCategoryDoes a given object (e.g an artwork) have a category?wacom:core#Category
wacom:core#hasLocationDoes the entity have a set location?wacom:core#Location
wacom:core#hasPartDoes the object have a part?wacom:core#Thing
wacom:core#hasTopicValue specifying if the object has a topic.wacom:core#Topic
wacom:core#hasWebsiteValue specifying if the object has a website.wacom:core#Website
wacom:core#isContainedInWhat collection is the thing contained within?wacom:core#Collection
wacom:core#isDepictedInDescribes an object that is depicted in something.wacom:creative#VisualArtworkwacom:core#MediaObject
wacom:core#isKeywordOfThe "isKeywordOf" object property represents the inverse relationship of "hasKeyword." It signifies that a specific keyword is mentioned in a particular document.wacom:creative#CreativeWork
wacom:core#isMentionedInDescribes if a thing is mentioned within a document.wacom:core#MediaObject
wacom:core#isPartOfIs the object a part of something?wacom:core#Thing
wacom:core#isRelatedValue specifying if two given entities are related.wacom:core#Thing
wacom:core#linksAre two given entities linked?wacom:core#Thing
wacom:core#locatedInDescribes the location of an object.wacom:core#Location
wacom:core#usesTopic used by the thing.wacom:core#Topic
wacom:education#recommendedContentContent that is recommended for a certain thing.wacom:creative#CreativeWork